If available, we will tell you where to get a similar item of equal quality, or where to get equal work done cheaper. We are our own harshest critics. However, it is with 25 years experience that I can say, "There are very, very few options".
The once incomparable, American furniture industry is practically nonexistent now. Even the finest names in furniture making are conducting their manufacturing overseas. I have to put on the mental brakes here, or I will devolve into an extended rant. The industry destroyed itself from within, then moved the monstrosity offshore.
The Arts & Crafts Movement, at the start of the 20th century, was a repudiation of the initial elements of this decline in craftsmanship, throughout the furniture industry.
Today, we stand firm in our commitment to honor the treasure that is our forests
by producing a high quality product that is desirable and durable, through a process that is sustainable and ecologically sound.
Local Film-Maker JC Cocker recently stopped by to take time to shoot a short feature.
This was an entry for the: 2009 Little Rock Film Festival in the Sustainable Alternatives Contest.
Take the time to visit with History and Philosophy pages to find out more about us and what we are working towards. In the Shop Tour section we will detail many of the methods, materials, and techniques that we use to construct furniture. Also, we will show you around the woods where we cut our logs, the mill where we saw our lumber, and the kiln where it is dried. We invite you to respond with questions or comments in the Contact Us section. |